
22 May 2011

Snack Procrastinaire: Coffee&Cream Custard

So now that I'm done butchering the French and English language, let’s get down to it :)

Ever had one of those days when you just don't feel like working? If you're lucky, these days will fall on the weekend when you don't actually need to work. Today is one of those. It's a Sunday and I felt like staying in bed and reading or watching some TV. But what is rest without snacks?

This is something very quick and very yummy. The idea originates from the fact that my mum doesn't like chocolate and I wanted to make a dessert that she could enjoy as well. Went off without a hitch! :)

Coffee and Cream Custard






Eggs (separated)


1/3 cup

Cocoa powder


1 cup



1 1/3 cup

Whipping cream


1 1/3 cup

Whole milk



Instant coffee


1 cup

Whipping cream

5 tsp


Powdered sugar

In a bowl, mix in the egg yolks, cocoa powder and sugar. Don’t worry if it’s a bit chunky. It won’t be that way for long. In a medium pot, bring the whipping cream and milk to a simmer, then pour it over the yolk mix and add the coffee. I used NesCafe Classic, because it’s yummy, but my point is that you should use granulated coffee and not regular coffee because it won’t dissolve and if you add a cup of prepared coffee, the custard will be too runny. Stir it all in and return to the pot in which you heated the milk. Return to the stove and let simmer for about 10 minutes, stirring the whole time. You don’t have to dislocate your shoulder stirring, that is to say, you shouldn’t put too much effort into it. So light but insistent will do :) When the ten minutes pass, remove the custard from the stove and let it cool off a bit while you prepare the cream.

Now this part is completely voluntary and if you don’t want to, you don’t have to use the egg whites, but to me, it seemed a waste to just chuck them. So here goes: With a mixer, beat the living daylights out of the egg whites, until stiff peaks form. The best way to check if they’re done is to turn your bowl upside down (slowly) and if the eggs don’t drip or fall out, you’re done. My dad suggests doing this over your head, so you’ll make double sure you’ve done a good job, so you don’t get egg in your hair. When the egg whites are finished, add the powdered sugar and stir it in gently. In another bowl, mix the cream until it’s firm and then add to the egg whites. Fold in and you’ll get a nice fluffy topping for your custard.

Pour the custard into cups (or one big bowl, if you’re greedy like me :)) and cover with the cream. Now you can get back to watching TV or reading a book and have a nice dessert along with it.



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