
14 May 2011

Canning for Dummies

Canning is usually done in the autumn so I'm starting a bit out of season. This means that getting the right gear is not an option. My mum always used the oven method when processing preserves and explaining to her that a water kettle is needed was…. Meh, who am I kidding? I couldn't convince we need one if my life depended on it. And thus the obscure canning ritual was performed under the cover of darkness, while the mother slept, blissfully unaware of the grim deeds being done a floor below her slumbering form. Mwahahahahahahaha! You'd think I was preserving human brains with the amount of sneaking I had to do.

Anyway, the first thing I made was radish relish. I love radishes and am very sad to see them go when they do, so I thought this would be a good way to keep them. I would like to thank gardenlad of GardenWeb forums for posting the recipe I used. It's pretty straight forward. The major thing was figuring out how to DIY a water bath for my jars. Since the main thing about it was to keep the jars from touching the bottom of the pot, I put in some dish rags in, filled the pot with water and hopefully, it all worked out. Too soon to tell. If the relish spoils I will be sure to make a note of it so that nobody repeats my mistakes!

Also, I got a copy of Canning And Preserving for Dummies. It's a really helpful book, like all for Dummies books. Here is a link to the cheat sheet made for that book. Of course, I can't get my grubby little mits on half of the stuff mentioned in the book. From the water kettles and zesters, to the dehidrators, I can't afford any of this stuff. The idea is to try and make my own spin on it. I know, I know, these methods have been tested and tried and shouldn't be messed with, but what can I say? I'm a gal on a tight (almost non-existant) budget.

I have, however, discovered something that hasn't crossed my mind up until now: DRYING! Drying fruit! I love my muesli, but I hate the raisins inside. If I dried my own fruit, I could make any type of muesli I like! Since the book provides alternatives for cheapskates like myself, case In point, sun drying, I'm also able to pull it off without having to guess my way through it. The first item on the drying menu will probably be blueberries, since they're in season and lovely and big at the local market. I just have to wait for the weather to clear up. It's been shitty all week long. Much like my mood.

And last but not least: For all my efforts in covert canning, I have been banned from the kitchen! Yes, you read it here first, ladies and gents. I have been banned from making any sort of preserves until I pass my exams. Screw you, family, for wanting to take away the one fun thing in my life! Well, I simply won't have it. I'll just sundry stuff on my windowsill so there! :)


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